About Dixon Wellness Collective
At Dixon Wellness, we provide our members with the most comfortable and professional atmosphere to ensure an enjoyable experience. Whether a medical patient or a recreational consumer, you will be provided with comprehensive information on cannabis use and attentive assistance to help you find the right product for your needs.
Our mission at Dixon Wellness is to provide the local community with a wide variety of affordable cannabis options in a safe, positive, and education-focused environment.
What to Know About Your First Visit
When you visit us at Dixon Wellness you will be met by one of our friendly and knowledgeable counselors, who will be able to walk you through the process of finding the product that works best for you. To be sure that our staff is up-to-date on the newest products and current research in the fast-paced and ever-growing cannabis industry, Dixon Wellness staff attends monthly educational sessions. These educational sessions ensure that our staff is effective in serving the needs of our members.
Dixon Wellness is committed to being a positive force and an active participant in the Dixon community. Currently, we are members of the Dixon Chamber of Commerce and regularly participate in Dixon City Council meetings. Dixon Wellness has also developed a community engagement plan to guide community outreach efforts and assist in the development of strong community ties. Dixon Wellness’ community engagement plan includes, but is not limited to conducting public education activities, supporting local charities, and sponsoring local events.

Safety & Security is Our Top Priority
At Dixon Wellness, Additionally, to ensure the safety of our members and community, Dixon Wellness provides security patrol of our premises. We will also provide a daily neighborhood sweep, where Dixon Wellness staff will walk the area surrounding our store to remove any litter or debris.
We want to be the best neighbors that we can be! Dixon Wellness strives to be a positive light in the community. We encourage anyone to share his or her concerns with us directly.
You can contact Haley Andrew, Director of Dixon Wellness with the contact information below. ​
Phone: (707) 640-1147
Email: DixonWellnessCollective@gmail.com ​

Deborah P. from Dixon
"Very helpful and courteous. Very knowledgeable. Very professional. Thank you to everyone that helped us."

Tisha H. from Davis
"First time experience went well. The staff was knowledgeable and helpful. Security was present and the atmosphere inside was good, place very clean and neat."

Jason L. from Sacramento
"Was a great experience. Got helped out really well, staff is great. All of them. Will definitely go back."