The History Of Medical Marijuana
When it comes to the history of medical marijuana, many different factors need to be taken into account. It is important not to leave any stone unturned when you are trying to figure out what this plant has done for society and how it has evolved throughout time. One interesting aspect of the history of medical marijuana is how its classification as a drug changed over time.

The Origin Of Marijuana As Medicine
The use of cannabis as a medicine can be traced back thousands of years. Marijuana has been used to treat everything from chronic pain to anxiety and depression. But how did this ancient herb become so widely accepted as a treatment for various medical conditions? Let’s take a closer look at the history of medical marijuana.
The Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi Referred To Marijuana As A Popular Medicine
It is believed that the use of marijuana as a medicine dates back to ancient China. Emperor Fu Hsi, who ruled over China thousands of years ago, had references to the cannabis plant in his writings. He described it as “ma” which translates into English as ‘hemp’ or Cannabis sativa L., where hemp refers to fibers obtained from mature stalks and Sativa L. means species with leaves spreading outwards at least on one side the stalk (marijuana).
Cannabis Is Used To Treat Asthma, Bronchitis, And Loss Of Appetite In South Asia
Cannabis was one of the more important drugs in India for centuries, and it's still widely used today. It is helpful with asthma among other ailments from bronchitis or loss of appetite-related illnesses. It is fascinating how this ancient medication continues its legacy all over Asia including parts that were once called the subcontinent.
Cannabinoid Receptors Were Discovered By Scientists
Miles Herkenham, Senior Investigator at the National Institute of Mental Health, and his research team discover cannabinoids in 1990. The discovery helps scientists understand how marijuana's THC impacts brain receptors which leads to psychoactive effects when it binds with those sites on cannabinoid binding site proteins that are present throughout all mammals' brains.
Hawaii Becomes Sixth State To Legalize Medical Marijuana
Hawaii has become the sixth state in the US to legalize medical marijuana. The new law will allow patients with qualifying conditions to possess and use cannabis products with a doctor’s recommendation. Hawaii is also the first state in the country to legalize medical marijuana through legislation, as all of the other states have done so through voter initiatives. The move comes after years of debate over whether or not marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes. Supporters of legalization argue that marijuana can help treat a variety of illnesses, while opponents claim that there is not enough evidence to support these claims. This isn’t the first time that Hawaii has taken steps to legalize medical marijuana. In 2000, then-Governor Ben Cayetano signed a bill that allowed patients with qualifying conditions to use medical marijuana.
US Supreme Court Rules Congress May Ban Marijuana Use in Gonzalez v. Raich
In June 2005, marijuana or cannabis is a psychoactive drug that has been used for thousands of years. It was originally cultivated in Asia and later spread to other parts of the world. It wasn't until the early 20th century that it became illegal in most countries around the globe, however, this didn't stop people from using marijuana recreationally or medicinally. Cultivation techniques improved throughout time as more research on medical marijuana emerged allowing its use to expand even further today than ever before.
New Jersey Is The 14th State To Legalize Medical Marijuana
On January 18, 2018, New Jersey became the 14th state to legalize medical marijuana. Under the new law, patients with one of 17 qualifying conditions will be able to purchase marijuana from dispensaries. The list of qualifying conditions includes anxiety, chronic pain, and Tourette's syndrome. The legalization of medical marijuana in New Jersey has been a long time coming. In 2009, then-Governor Jon Corzine signed a bill legalizing the use of medicinal cannabis for certain conditions. However, the program was never implemented because then-Attorney General Chris Christie issued a directive prohibiting the sale of medicinal marijuana through dispensaries.
The DEA Is Considering Moving Marijuana To A Lower-Restriction Drug Schedule
The DEA has said they plan on rescheduling marijuana in the first half of 2016. Cannabis is currently classified under federal drug laws as Schedule I, which means it's considered more dangerous than other substances. Moving this classification down from its current status would boost research and development for prescription medications derived from cannabis, but not necessarily make raw pot possession or cultivation by individuals any less illegal under US law (unless you're talking about large-scale production).
We've gone through the history of medical marijuana. If you're interested in getting started with medical marijuana or expanding your knowledge on these topics, please give our team a call today. Our experts are waiting by the phone 24/7 to answer any questions you may have and help guide you toward an informed decision on which treatment plan best suits your needs.
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