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5 Myths About Recreational Marijuana You Probably Still Believe

Marijuana has been around for thousands of years. It was used by ancient Chinese doctors to treat gout, rheumatism, and malaria while medieval Europeans used it to treat depression. Fast forward a few centuries later and marijuana is still being used to create some pretty amazing things like clothing, paper products, and biofuel, but it's also creating controversy in the United States as more states legalize marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. Whether you're smoking weed yourself or just want to know the facts about this controversial plant here are 5 myths about recreational marijuana you probably still believe:

5 Myths About Recreational Marijuana You Probably Still Believe

Myth 1: Recreational Marijuana Is Not Addictive

Many recreational users claim that marijuana is not addictive. However, this couldn't be further from the truth—especially when it comes to "skunk weed." Skunk weed has an incredibly high THC content (the ingredient in marijuana that gets you high) and can lead to addiction for some people who use it regularly. Many recreational users believe they can stop taking recreational cannabis at any time without experiencing withdrawal symptoms; however, most would likely experience withdrawal if quitting abruptly after a long period of regular usage or consumption multiple times per day.

Withdrawal may include irritability, fatigue, insomnia, cravings, problems focusing and concentration, and increased appetite and weight gain. As with many other substances like alcohol and prescription drugs: recreational cannabis is not physically addictive, but it can lead to psychological addiction.

Myth 2: Recreational Marijuana Is "All-Natural"

Not even close. While recreational marijuana may contain a number of useful cannabinoids, they are all synthesized in labs.

According to Leaf Science, "Recreational cannabis contains at least 100 different chemical compounds that react with each other and produce unique effects which are responsible for the plant's psychoactive properties."

Many of those chemicals were added by man through selective breeding techniques. There is nothing natural about recreational marijuana as it exists today. However, as more people begin growing their own plants from seed or clones (a clone being a cutting taken from an already mature plant), there may be less need for pesticides so we'll see if this myth changes in time.

Myth 3: It Is Impossible To Overdose With Recreational Marijuana

The truth is that it's very unlikely you'll overdose on recreational marijuana if you're using it responsibly; however, there are some possible negative side effects like short-term memory loss, agitation, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate or blood pressure when consumed excessively which might make sense why many believe this myth.

It also makes sense because THC (the compound found in cannabis) does affect the same system of the brain that controls breathing and heart rate which is why many recreational marijuana users have heard about people passing out after smoking too much.

This isn't directly related to an overdose, but rather a result of ingesting more THC than your body can handle at once causing you to blackout or pass out for a few hours when overdone.

So while it's not impossible to overdose on recreational marijuana it's highly improbable because consumption doesn't lead straight to death like in cases with other drugs such as heroin or cocaine; however, there are some negative side effects if overused so be sure that you're using recreational weed responsibly just like any drug!

Marijuana legalization opponents love to bring up this myth in an attempt to scare voters into believing that recreational use of cannabis will result in widespread death and destruction once it becomes legal nationwide.

Although American support for recreational weed has never been higher (64% now), many still believe these myths about its dangers even though there are proven medical benefits with little risk attached, unlike powerful prescription painkillers which kill more than 15,000 Americans each year.

Myth 4: Recreational Marijuana Is A Gateway Drug To Harder Substances

In reality, there is little evidence that marijuana use causes people to use other drugs. In fact, according to a study conducted by the RAND Corporation over a 15-year period (2003), researchers discovered no link between cannabis usage and other illicit drug use among adolescents aged 12–18 years old. 

The group was made up of individuals from four different locations in the United States: Pittsburgh; Detroit; Denver/Boulder; and Los Angeles - who were recruited through registries, telephone directories, or geographically targeted sampling campaigns before being interviewed by phone.

The study provides evidence that recreational marijuana use is likely to lead only to experimentation with other drugs – not addiction, as many believe. According to the findings, “there does not appear to be a direct path between cannabis exposure and the initiation of hard drug use”.

In fact, there's no conclusive proof supporting claims that recreational cannabis consumption leads users into harder substances at all. In other words: "gateway drug" may just be a myth after all.

Myth 5: Smoked Marijuana Is Medicine

This myth has been the most widely spread recreational marijuana myth since it was first proposed in 1930, but science doesn't back this claim up. The truth about recreational cannabis use is that while it does have medicinal benefits, there are many other safer options to using it as medicine than smoking anything.

Recreational marijuana is now legal in over half the United States, but misconceptions about its safety are still widespread. Let’s dispel some of those myths to help you understand what this substance really does to your body and mind. If after reading this post you have questions or would like more information on how recreational marijuana can affect your life, please contact us for a consultation today! We want nothing more than to see our clients live their best lives free from the risk of addiction or other potential harm that comes with using marijuana recreationally.

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